



Polish Blockchain Week emerges as a collaborative, community-driven endeavor with no single entity at the helm. It epitomizes the spirit of agnosticism, rooted in the idea that self-organization forms the bedrock of the blockchain ecosystem. We extend a warm invitation to projects, individuals, and all those intrigued by stimulating and enlightening discourse to be a part of this nation-spanning event in May 2024, stretching from the Baltic Sea to the majestic Tatra Mountains.

The grandest happenings and conferences during Polish Blockchain Week will be hosted in the heart of Poland's capital city, Warsaw. Our unwavering commitment revolves around minimizing the industry noise and amplifying the focus on education, all in pursuit of propelling mass adoption by offering unparalleled industry insights directly from the source.

Our philosophy is elegantly simple: prioritize the dissemination of knowledge, endeavor to maintain an economical approach for the community (while mindful of the practicalities of bills and expenses – not all events can be free!), and cultivate an atmosphere that is both hospitable and all-encompassing. We strive to ensure that individuals at every level of expertise will find themselves at ease, making participation an enriching experience. Join us for Polish Blockchain Week and be part of an exhilarating odyssey into the world of blockchain!